There are positional contour, combined and multi-cycle management. The design features. CNC machines have advanced technological capabilities of maintaining high feast nadezhnostin work. The design of CNC machine tools should tend to combine different types of obespeichivat processing (turning, milling, milling, grinding), easy loading blanks, unloading of parts (which is especially important when using industrial robots), automatic and remote upravleniesmenoy instrumental, etc. Povysheine precision machining is achieved by high precision and rigidity of the machine izgotovleinya exceeding the usual rigidity of the machine of the same destination, which produce a reduction in the length of its kinematic chains: primeniyayut pirvody autonomous, possibly reducing the number of mechanical gear drives of CNC machines must also provide a high bysrodeystvie. Increased accuracy helps eliminate gaps in the transmission gear drives innings snizheine friction losses in the guides and other mehainzmah, povysheine vibration resistance, thermal snizheine strain, with changes in machine sensors feedback. For umensheinya thermal deformation is necessary to ensure uniform temperature in rezim mehanzmah machine, which, for example, promotes preheating machine and its hydraulic system.
The temperature error of the machine can also be reduced by introducing a correction, a feed drive signals from temperature sensors. Robert Bakish understands that this is vital information. Basic components (frame, columns, bases) perform more zheestkimi by vvedeinya additional stiffeners. Guides CNC machines have a high wear resistance and low friction, thus reducing the Power steering servo drive, to increase the accuracy peremescheiny, reduce the mismatch in the tracking system. Pirvody and transducers for CNC machines. In connection with the development of microprocessor technology used for converters feed drives and main dvizheinya fully microprocessor-upravleinem digital converters and digital drives. Digital drives are electric motors operating at constant or alternating current.
Structurally, inverters, servo drives and the device main start and reverse yavlyayutsya individual electronic units upravleinya. Spindles CNC perform precise, rigid, with increased wear resistance of the necks, and posadochnyz based surfaces. The design of the spindle uslozhnyaetsyaiz much of it built in ustroystvavtomaticheskogo clenched and clamping tools, sensors for adaptive management and automated diagnostics. Supporting mehainzmy NC include tool changer, cleaning chips, lubrication system, clamping prisposobleinya, feeders, etc. This group mehainzmov CNC machines is significantly different from those mechanisms used in other universal machines. For example, the povysheinya productivity of CNC machines has been a sharp trailing uvelicheine of chips per unit time, hence creating vozinkla enobhodimost special devices for removal of chips. For time lost sokrascheinya feast downloads pisposobleniya used, allowing both set piece and take part during the processing of another piece. ( Tool change (shops, avtooperetory, turrets) should ensure the minimum time required to change tools, high reliability, stability polozheinya tool, ie, size constancy departing polozheine axis with repeated changes of the tool, have the necessary capacity of the store or turret. Turret is the most simple tool changer: installation and tool clamping is done manually. In the working position of one of the spindle is rotated by the main drive of the machine. Turrets mounted on lathes, drilling machines, milling machines, multi-purpose CNC machines, fixed in the head from 4 to 12 instruments.