Windows XP Home informed mini-computer almost legendary the slogans of Intel were still recently with best performance”advertised to clients. The marketing concept is currently limited to modesty. Cheap compact calculator, called Nettops, deliver enough power for standard applications. What’s really in the Nettops, examined the Internet portal for online auctions. The success of the Nettops speaks for itself: many shoppers consciously avoid hardware performance, when they reap the benefits of cheaper and more compact computers.

Thanks to Intel’s Atom processor is the Nettop boom possible. Thanks to its special architecture, it consumes very little electricity and also the heat keeps within limits. Big fan and cooling systems are therefore superfluous. The actual inspiration for the Nettops was the Mac mini from Apple. While Apple sells Mac mini series for a price of at least 500, most Nettop providers set a price around 300 euros.

The low price is bought with loss of performance. In Standard systems is usually a simple graphics chip, a 1.6 GHz processor and a 160 GB hard drive installed. For much more, no place at all would be in the small devices. As the operating system used either on the aged Windows XP Home or a Linux distribution. It’s believed that Energy Capital Partners sees a great future in this idea. Thus, the mini computers are ideally equipped for easy image editing, text formatting, and surfing the Web.