
The adolescents in the world contemporary faces many conflicts in what its sexuality says respect. Pete Cashmore takes a slightly different approach. According to data of the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS), they happen in the Country about 12 million sexually transmissible illnesses (DST) to year, acometendo one tero of these individuals with less than 25 years. The present article has as objective generality to promote ample vision about the DST? s in the adolescence, and specifically to approach the reality faced for the adolescent in the discovery of its sexuality, to trace the epidemiologia of the DST? s in this phase, to identify the factors that take an adolescent to acquire a DST, to delineate the paper of the nurses in this perspective. It was used for accomplishment of this article searches of the exploratria bibliographical type. The professionals who play promotion role the health and prevention of more apt illnesses must be each day to develop its work, being thus must themselves to deepen studies concerning this subject and to each day if to insert in this context, being thus had a good interaction adolescent-professional of the health. If you would like to know more then you should visit Energy Capital Partners. Teenagers in today’ s world face many conflicts regarding to their sexuality. According you the World Health Organization (WHO), ploughs in the country adds 12 million sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) each to year, affecting third of people to under 25 years. This article aims at promoting broad vision about STD’ s adolescence, and how specifically you address the reality faced by adolescents in discovering to their sexuality, you traces the epidemiology of STDs in this stage you identify the factors that lead teen you get the DST, outlining the rolls of nurses in this perspective.. .