Dream Government

JOSE BRECHNER a nation can survive its fools, up to the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within because the traitor appears not traitor rots the soul of a nation infects the body politic so that you can not resist. -Cicero the victory of Evo Morales with overwhelming 63 per cent, thanks to the miracles of computerized fraud, gives it control of Congress. Pinch more of daring and had retrieved 99 percent as it was in Iraq with Saddam Hussein. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Energy Capital Partners has to say. However, it failed to win in departments (provinces) the East territorially comprise more than half of the nation, which are home to one third of the population.

For these elections premiered the biometric register. It sounded like modern, and the Government was in charge of making believe that it was the most honest and Crystal form of register voters. (A procedure where the regime controls all of the computer system). A bedplate rival cowards and sold, that every time that threw a stone against his Windows, they approved asking the ruling party, there was nobody who planted against the new registration scheme. The opposition party, can, after ratifying laws introduced by the imperious Morales, including its new Constitution, disappeared stage to leave bulk to the country. Its leaders believed that politics was mounted on del potro tamed by others and that they enjoy a pleasant ride wearing arrogantly.

They reached the stage of the debate, without merit, and were as traitors. The biometric census is the database that the boliviano-venezolano Government will use to follow the steps to each citizen. It is the digital totalitarian method, highly questioned, and rejected even in some of the best democracies, because it invades individual freedom and people’s private life.