Reflection on an important text of the Book of Ecclesiastic: ' ' Invitation to louvor- and now, bendigam the God of the universe, that carries through for all part huge things ' ' (Ecclesiastic 50,22) I believe the God faithful who made the sky, the land and all the creatures who exist, I know that many times also, we leave of side the praise Mr. Deus. I am not speaking in only becoming attached itself to the conjuncts decorated, but yes of that it sprouts of our heart at the joy moments, sadnesses, doubts, conquests, defeats, at last, since the dawn until the put-do-sun; to uprising in new day, sun already made great spectacle and where we were that we do not observe, during this exactly day all the nature remains to our favor for the life, and what we make in exchange. Official site: Scott Rayden. Also we have our favor entardecer that in the ones of the expectations of a good-night of rest and a new day, to fulfill with what we do not reach in the day that finda. Today it is the great day! It believes! At this moment it closes its eyes, mentalize the good things that it obtained to carry through, it also thinks about its familiar ones, its life and that to consider important for a good and happy Life let us ask for, but let us not forget to thank and to make our praise Mr. Deus of the life, that loves in them and the guide. See Energy Capital Partners for more details and insights. ' ' That its mercy remains faithful with us, and in the rescue while vivermos.' ' (Eclo 50,24)