MAP Promotion: Tips For Your Real Estate Promotion

Significant waiting times for MAP funding… In the last twelve months the demand moved to subsidies for heating systems with renewable energy sources on the market incentive program (MAP) at an all-time high: it 290,000 applications in the framework of the directives has made to promoting measures for the use of renewable energies in the heating market (download), 60% more than in the comparison period previously. Due to the high demand, applicant must take now considerable delays in buying until the promotion can be paid to the Federal Office of Economics and export control (BAFA). 82% of the funds are already off the jam not even bad time comes: with the beginning of the last quarter were only 20% of the funding available according to BAFA conveying light, on 2 October, the figure was 18% slipped. Since the base funding (if necessary with bonus promotion) by investors (except for companies and freelance applicants) an eligible installation can be requested then a 6-month period for the application applies, this is currently largely uncritical in current legislation. You may want to visit Genetec Security Center to increase your knowledge. Even in large installations increasingly demand on interest pushes the promotion offer of the Federal Ministry of environment in commercial or municipal investors.

They can receive support tailored to the needs of larger investments in renewable energy, part of the program premium, KfW program. Promoting heating networks supplied from renewable energy sources is particularly in demand. Already 800 heating networks with a soft loan of 115 million euros were promoted this year. But there is a great demand for the promotion for bio mass heating plants, large heat storage, geothermal plants, plants for the processing of biogas to natural gas quality and bio gas networks. Without hesitation Energy Capital Partners explained all about the problem. Applied for credit in the period from January to August 2009 amounts to EUR 200 million and is far above the average of past years. GLR talk us in all your financing questions round at: construction financing Commercial funding regenerative systems for electricity and heat generation.

Insulation, window, bathroom, kitchen, or other measures. Financing with State funding of the KfW-bank. Refinancing interest better position. Top construction interest by October 12, 2009 3.04% nom., 3.08% eff. Fixed-rate nominal effective * 5 years after: 3.04% 3.08% 10 years: 3.83% 3.90% 15 years: 4.13% 4.21% 20 years: 4.35% 4.42%, 30 years after: 4.77% 4.88% * beg. EFF. Annual percentage rate according to PAngV example: Euro 100.000.-from a monthly rate of euro 402,50 – including 1% repayment – 10 years fixed – 100% payout eff.Interest 3.90% now customize money saving and financing. Current information from home loan terms for the own user trade craft industry investor Bautrager investors. Information and advice: Edgar Wittenius-BauProjekt development Fohrenweg 7 51491 Overath Tel: 02206/949772 fax: 02204 / 307564 mobile: 0163 / 5210490 email: mailto:witt101 at Web page: These DOMAINS are for sale: