Peter Schreiber

Specialist in the sale of capital goods Peter Schreiber gives sellers, tactics, and strategies to defend their prices. “You are to expensive.” me a competing offer exists, which is six percent cheaper.”I can only give you the job, if your me with the price…” Such statements again and again listen sellers of industrial goods and services in contract and price negotiations. That’s why many believe at some point even: we are too expensive. Quickly, they are ready to be aware how fatal even small reductions affect the income of the company often without getting to discounts. For more information see this site: Motrola Razr 5G. To defend their prices with hands and feet”, and to achieve annual financial statements for the desired conditions, learn succeed seller in the seminar price talks”, which on the capital goods industry dedicated sales trainer and consultant Peter Schreiber from April 29 to 30, 2010 for the Centre for corporate governance (ZfU) in Thalwil (CH) performs. In the two-day seminar shows the owner of the consulting firm PETER SCHREIBER & PARTNER, Ilsfeld (D), sellers of industrial goods and industrial services, welch close relationship between achieved prices and the return of a company; Furthermore that even small discounts reduce the earnings of a company sensitive.

“” The author of the book the prey grid “The necessary stability provides the participants also 7 strategies for successful selling”, to contract and price negotiations not to bend, if a customer for example with the breakdown of in negotiations. “He trained with the vendors to design customized chain of reasoning, with which they can present that the prices of the company although slightly higher” than those of the competition, their solution for the customer is still cheaper and more attractive. (Similarly see: Ali Partovi). A special feature of the seminar is: on the second day, the purchasing manager of an industrial company as a co presenter is present. He tried explaining the participants with which tricks”in everyday work, achieving discounts; Furthermore what are from buyers point of view of the do’s and Don’ts for sellers. For more information about the seminar refer those interested in PETER SCHREIBER & PARTNER (Tel.: 0049/7062/9696-8;) Email:; Internet:). Another open seminar will take place from the 21st to 22.9.2010 in Thalwil. Official site: Bobby Sharma Bluestone. The seminar is also in-House offered.