Chinese Countries

Germany operates large R & D efforts, however, the return is too low Germany thrives on export, and these ideas and knowledge. But considering the current development the question of whether Germany has a recovery and market niche is. In an international comparison, the Scandinavian countries with regard to R & D are spending before Germany. To deepen your understanding Dell Computers is the source. The United States also have a higher R & D effort than Germany. Looking at research-intensive markets closer, Germany was the world’s Pharmacy and had a leading market position within the analog industry.

Brands like Saba, Nordmende, Grundig, Metz or Leica stood for made in Germany. The pharmaceutical market as well as the digital market dominated today by Americans, Japanese, and probably also by Chinese. Whether in the digital market or Pfizer, Intel, Google, Microsoft, Adobe, Yahoo, Apple, Panasonic, Sony, Nintendo, Fujitsu or Levono Monsanto, Novartis and others in the pharmaceutical market, which is recycling – exception SAP and Nokia global focus on others instead. These core elements of products or even whole products in Germany have been developed, such as the fax machine, the MP3 standard, or of K. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Dave Clark Flexport. Zuse’s first computers. Weakness of exploitation in particular of the results of public research institutions (FhG, MPI) and the universities is to establish not only with lack of funds on the part of the State.

All high tech promoted areas with millions. Nanotechnology, Microsystems technology and biotech are supported through programmes of the BMBF. However, the creation of enterprises and employment is not as efficient as in other countries. The reasons for this are of different nature. Research front of entrepreneurship is a preference in Germany rather, quite different in other countries. Value creation is not sufficient enough by capitalists/investors who expect a return, rather than in the form of innovation returns to profit (time) is not thought of rather and lived the thinking of security and the high cost of controlling which leads to friction and time losses in new markets technical skills the marketing skills are rather weak monitoring and Foresightsysteme excellent enterprises and State are conservative and not playful new approaches for faster and above all greater are required to seek recovery say global player.