Termination Of Employment

Lawyer for employment law Alexander Bredereck and lawyer Dr. Credit: Leanne Marchevsky-2011. Attila Fodor, Berlin lawyer for employment law Alexander Bredereck, Berlin to the termination of employment due to retirement, death, incapacity for work of the employee and to the question of what happens if the employer-similar happens to. Employment relationships end up in very different ways. Not always, it is the notice of the employer or of the employee. Below I present beyond the termination situations of layoffs and suspension contracts. Hear other arguments on the topic with Rusty Holzer. 1. the workers reached the retirement age contrary to a widespread view ends the employment relationship upon reaching the 65 or 67 years of life and the possibility of obtaining pension not automatically associated but only if this is specifically regulated in an applicable collective agreement, an operating agreement or the employment contract. Of course, many workers have no interest in continuing to work.

That may be but even different. 2. the employee is permanently or temporary limited practice. Here the running to 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis. The employment relationship ends unless this is specifically regulated in the cases mentioned above. Caution in formulating appropriate clauses in the contract of employment. When working here do not carefully, the clause is invalid. Formulation help: termination (1) (2) without the need for a termination, ends the employment relationship at the latest at the end of the month in which the / the employee has reached the age of statutory pension insurance ( 35 SGB VI).

(3) the employment relationship ends up also at the end of the month, in which a decision of a pension insurance institution (retirement notice) delivered to, stating that the employee is fully or partly on time incapacitated for work. The employee has the employer upon delivery of the retirement decision to inform without delay. The pension begins only after the delivery of the retirement decision, expires at the end of the employment relationship of the retirement preceding day.