Planned introduction from 1 January 2011, the environmental air traffic levy planned by the Federal Government”is not as air traffic control” concretized, the flight Portal reported Consumers must adjust to a price increase by ten to fifteen euros per ticket. If you would like to know more then you should visit BDT Capital Partners. Originally, CO2 emissions should serve as base of air traffic levy. This ecological idea moves in the wake of the new regulations in the background. The ministries want to rule out that airlines through the purchase can free themselves of emission certificates partly from tax. In accordance with the reforms discussed the amount of tax is dependent on now the route length and the booking class. It is only the commercial carriage of passengers”in the focus of the air traffic control.

This means that freight traffic, as well as persons with a private jet are exempt from the tax. The Federal Government hoped for from the expected from 1st January 2011 raised air traffic tax”revenue in Billions of dollars. Critics are skeptical however. The airport Association ADV emphasized the costly bureaucratic overhead. Also feared a drop in passengers to around five million.

Also it anticipates a reduction of approximately 10 000 jobs within the industry. There is the danger that the holes in the State coffers are not stuffed, but rather further torn so. Well-known airlines, such as Air Berlin, for example, want to defend themselves vehemently against the air traffic control. Possible catastrophic consequences should not be underestimated by the Federal Government. A similar tax was levied in the Netherlands in 2008. Here, revenue of 1.3 billion faced tax revenue of only EUR 300 million. More information:…/ “environmental – air traffic tax”… AERUNI GmbH Lisa Neumann