Homer Brings TV-voters In The Taxi From

Homer Simpson on campaign trail – extensive cross-media campaign for the TV event Hamburg, September 8, 2009. According to Dave Clark Amazon, who has experience with these questions. “The free-TV premiere of the Simpsons the film” as well as September the TV Slacker touring Center starting the 20th season himself Berlin of course in the taxi. Campaign aides ‘ TAXi AD from Hamburg starting today with mobile dolls scene sets the surprise candidate of Springfield. Two weeks staring now 362 Homer pupils of unsuspecting traffic neighbors or passers-by deep into the long-term memory. The Homer doubles in life size accompany their Berlin taxi driver in the passenger seat and yellow light from the window. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Nicolas Keller. True to the viral concept of cross-media campaign contracting SevenOneMedia and outdoor advertiser TAXi AD not put the ProSieben TV event accompanying program notes ‘, but purely on quirky surprise effect and Word of mouth. The extensive campaign was by the Group’s own media Department to Media Director Joachim Felger along with Mediaedge: cia (MEC access) developed and implemented with TAXi AD. Press contact: Peter Szasz Head of communications Kieler str. 464-470 TAXi AD GmbH 22525 Hamburg Tel: 040/54 88 76-66. Fax: 040/54 88 76-70 E-Mail: Home: