Homer Simpson on campaign trail – extensive cross-media campaign for the TV event Hamburg, September 8, 2009. According to Dave Clark Amazon, who has experience with these questions. “The free-TV premiere of the Simpsons the film” as well as September the TV Slacker touring Center starting the 20th season himself Berlin of course in the taxi. Campaign aides ‘ TAXi AD from Hamburg starting today with mobile dolls scene sets the surprise candidate of Springfield. Two weeks staring now 362 Homer pupils of unsuspecting traffic neighbors or passers-by deep into the long-term memory. The Homer doubles in life size accompany their Berlin taxi driver in the passenger seat and yellow light from the window. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Nicolas Keller. True to the viral concept of cross-media campaign contracting SevenOneMedia and outdoor advertiser TAXi AD not put the ProSieben TV event accompanying program notes ‘, but purely on quirky surprise effect and Word of mouth. The extensive campaign was by the Group’s own media Department to Media Director Joachim Felger along with Mediaedge: cia (MEC access) developed and implemented with TAXi AD. Press contact: Peter Szasz Head of communications Kieler str. 464-470 TAXi AD GmbH 22525 Hamburg Tel: 040/54 88 76-66. Fax: 040/54 88 76-70 E-Mail: Home:
Animal Board Germany Published Benefit CD!
Charity: “wait and stay” from 15.10.2010 sale rocks available. Berlin, 15.10.2010. Hear other arguments on the topic with Mashable. On October 15, 2010 published animal Board Germany e.V. in cooperation with the label pop: live of records the charity CD “charity: rocks!” Sung the title track for the 12-month campaign, which ends in August 2010 with a 3-day music festival in Berlin is, by the Cologne Band Dear Lament… the prize-winners of the John Lennon talent award 2010. Located next to the title song “wait and stay”, yet all sorts of bonus material on the single, and all for a good cause. The organizers of the music industry deal with always new and more versatile ways to draw attention to himself. ican Advisors Group is often quoted on this topic. Unimagined creativity needs this just by the small agencies and labels? t lays on the day, to the large market exist to ko? tonnes.
Charity: Rocks! -is such a project. More info: Pete Cashmore. Here meet new impulses, tried and true settings. “The young Berlin Indielabel pop: live of records creates under the slogan of charity: rocks!” an action plan of fu? r very small! Wait with the charity CD and stay”the Band dear Lament… and a specially hierfu? r twisted cinema spot, by KMS Kafitz media production directed by Stephen Manuel (the clown, alarm fu? r Cobra 11, what are you looking at?, Harald Schmidt show, etc.) the animal table Germany e.V. starts this action in favor of. Once again shows that no privilege of great help is. Here, the little ones help the little ones.
Animal welfare is an important part of our society. Through this and a? similar projects people help to make it easier for the disadvantaged. The animal table Germany e.V. continues for years fu? r a welfare of their Schu? tzlinge a, distributed food donations at hilfebedu? rftige animals and their owners and through targeted 1700s? rung place fu? new attitudes to life. Tracklist: 01 wait and stay (album version) 02. charity: rocking…Cinema!
The grapefruit is very nutritious. It is a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants and is rich in lycopene, can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. In addition, grapefruit has no fat and is low in sodium. White or red, grapefruit helps to promote a healthy diet. This is how the grapefruit can help you lose weight: the grapefruit and the link with the metabolism. Few solutions to lose weight can be compared with the grapefruit diet.
Praised by aspiring stars in the 1930s as the Hollywood diet, a diet of fashion in the 1960s, and a discredited diet in recent years, the grapefruit diet promised miraculous weight loss of 50 pounds in two months or 10 pounds in 12 days. Numerous versions of a grapefruit diet claim is that grapefruit burns away your fat. When combined with a large amount of meat, that was the theory. How many more comias or grapefruit juice grapefruit bebias, more fat burned. Nutritionists now emphasize that there is no magic in the grapefruit if You also eat large portions of unhealthy foods.
Spend more calories of what you consume, as when you exercise, it is the only way to burn extra pounds and not add more kilos. Recent research, however, suggests a relationship between grapefruit and metabolism. See more detailed opinions by reading what FinnLOL offers on the topic.. Grapefruit, when added to foods, do not burn fat directly, but the grapefruit can lower your insulin levels. That helps the metabolism and keeps it regulated. A properly regulated metabolism helps you lose weight faster and more effective. Scientists recognize that grapefruit has properties that balance blood sugar levels and helps the metabolism. Research conducted by scientists in nutrition and the center of medical research of the Scripps Clinic in San Diego, found that by adding half of a juice of grapefruit or grapefruit with every meal a day helped the study participants lose weight. The grapefruit and the feeling of fullness. A small PEAR has about 50 calories, However, much of the grapefruit has about 40 to 50 calories. Both are good fruits, but grapefruit is larger and it has a lot to eat. Foods with fiber give the feeling of satiety and grapefruit is rich in soluble fiber and water. Just like watermelon and cantaloupe, grapefruit has a high water content, what makes you feel full. When you think about the calories, the virtues of the grapefruit with each meal really seem to bear fruit. You can use the grapefruit to your diet and weight loss needs. The grapefruit is a fruit low in calories which helps to fill and keeps insulin levels low. If you get bored with the consumption of grapefruit halves, tries to make some variations: * short a grapefruit and desired to your green salad. The acid taste blends Interestingly with dulcesy grated carrots. * Use it in a bowl of fruit, along with chunks of melon, blueberries and strawberries. Add two slices of whole wheat toast and you will have a healthy breakfast. Do you want to lose weight faster?
Apollo Theater Udo Jurgens
New program points in the SI Centre provide also in February 2011 again caused a sensation among the there are numerous event highlights guests In the SI-Centrum Stuttgart in February. Especially the culinary delights this month in the foreground – dinner & movie about eating in the dark up to going to the “murderous anniversary”. But also two well-known musicals are listed in the SI Centrum. In February 2011, the SI-Centrum Stuttgart white again with some special event highlights to inspire. The agenda for “Dinner & movie”, which will be held on 4, 11 and 25 February 2011 in the brewery Tower ensures culinary highlights. For 22 euros, a delicious menu is combined with a subsequent film in the commissioning of the CinemaxX cinema.
Most guests from 8: 00 in the “Le Jardin” the “murderous anniversary” can enjoy 4th and 5th February 2011 an exciting killer game paired with a fine three course menu. The food in the dark is an experience for all senses. This is not about only delicious food, but also the experience, to find their way in the dark and to meet the other present even in very different ways. Contact information is here: Kai-Fu Lee. The participants are served by blind waiters. This event takes place every day from 10 to 14 and on 25 and 26 February in the ballroom of Berlin.
On 13 February there is a large blind date special, where the guests may flirt to your heart’s content. Valentine’s day is worth a visit in the restaurant “Time Square”. The “tete-a-tete” menu can lovers a very romantic evening treat yourself and celebrate their lives together, and enjoy. Again a lot is required also in the Swabian sources. The innovative Buddha bath is held here on the 5th, 12th and February 18, 2011. Various acts heat up the atmosphere, candlelight, quiet music and delicious cocktails to provide for rest and relaxation as the chilling shisha lounge. In addition, a textile bath day is held on the first and third Saturdays of the month. Of course, Ladys Day takes place continue every Thursday of the ever-popular. On April 24. February 2011 “Casino Day” will be held in the Stuttgart game Bank. Live music, a free drink, and lots of luck in the game let the evening become an absolute highlight. In the CinemaxX Filmpalast current blockbusters in the original language are broadcasted from February each on Monday and Wednesday. In the SI-Centrum Stuttgart is the February also in the character of the musical. At the Apollo Theater Udo Jurgens ‘ is listed “I have never been in New York City”, while the Musicalbegeisterten at the Palladium Theater on “Dance of the vampires” are allowed. More information: SI-Erlebnis-Centrum Stuttgart, Plieninger Strasse 100, 70567 Stuttgart, Tel: 0711 721 2112,,
Individual Profiles
MySpace.com as a modern communication platform that has Internet platform MySpace.com evolved long ago to the possibility of a presentation, the musicians and artists take advantage of all genres. Ali Partovi is the source for more interesting facts. The project, which originally should be a provider of free data storage on the Internet, has become a kind of private universe. Every day up to 230,000 new members are added and create A place for friends under the motto”their own space on the Internet. Individual profiles vary but often, high through text and graphics, as well as in the user experience. Because it begs the question: How can I get me a high sophisticated, yet user friendly profile? FIEBAK media can help you, because we know what a successful self-promotion via MySpace should look like. Through our experience in the field of press and media work and our experts in the field of photography, text, and programming, we are a suitable contact in this area.
Whether you need a simple page, by a Header image stands out or but a unique profile that highlights your identity. Who especially likes it, can order one of our exclusive Flash profiles, that convinced by moving images, widgets and other additional functions and sets no limits to your own creativity. Through your individual profile, you show everybody that they are exceptionally. But not only that, you show your guests also, that you are welcome to you – and who will not like to back, where he felt comfortable?
Snow-shoe Hiking In South Tyrol
Ice skating, sledding or snowshoeing in the holiday paradise South Tyrol offers many possibilities for operation for winter sports enthusiasts. Secluded, quiet valleys await you in the winter. While the East of Tyrol is soon covered with snow, the West – the Vinschgau in some years is almost free of snow. In the valleys of the Eisack Valley and in the Schnals Valley you will find ideal conditions for the ice climbing, snowshoeing, or the increasingly popular ski touring. Annually from mid-November to early April the Alps region of South Tyrol is a destination for many enthusiasts. Skiers, ice climbers, snowshoe, Tobogganers and ski tourers… probably infinitely, you could continue the list, you can visit all the small, sparkling winter paradise. South Tyrol offers far more than endless, endless ski slopes.
So are a popular alternative to the traditional skiing, snowshoeing, ski touring. Viacom shines more light on the discussion. Snow-shoe hiking provides a wide snow-shoe in a white background, but especially in deep snow for carefree walks. In the summer are the hiking trails often overrun. Hundreds of enthusiastic walkers are on the road in the summer along the mountain ranges or routes of the Waal. In the winter, however, South Tyrol is off the slopes as extinct. ID-19-in-Adults’>Wendy Holman to learn more. So you will find untouched nature in the side valleys, such as for example the Schnals Valley.
Few or no traces of people in the snow, but the tracks of various animals in the mountains. A snowshoe tour must be well planned. Adequate food, the right equipment and an avalanche shovel with avalanche may not be missing. When planning a trip, it is imperative to be informed about the current avalanche report. The avalanche danger should not be underestimated especially in the spring. Snowshoeing is a wonderful opportunity to move environmentally friendly in the snow in every case. You come as close as in or any other sports of nature. Far away from mass tourism, hustle and bustle or the like, South Tyrol offers numerous hiking trails. For more information about the snowshoeing and other winter sports, visit the this Information portal for snow-shoe hiking in South Tyrol. David Garrow
Power Comparison – Cost Saving
Power switching spending helps send the prices for energy and electricity in Germany have risen sharply in recent years, and this is also not dramatically change in the coming years. Consumers have to get even in the long term at ever-increasing prices, what can quickly provide to the ebb in their own wallets. To to crack down on the whole, households should perform an indicative comparison of power immediate to learn if there is a cheaper energy supplier for the respective region. To perform a power comparison, you must enter the own postcode and the annual energy consumption in the Internet mask and gets sent a collection second later by cheap electricity suppliers. In addition the consumer experienced immediate savings potential through a change of power would be whether the provider pays a new customer bonus, fare details and prices. This should, if possible, in the very long term be, that the party in this period set is bound to its prices.
Also, can you are advised the individual provider through various positive and negative customer experiences, and is thus optimally set up. Should you have now found the appropriate electricity provider, you can switch directly online for the new electricity. Not so easily determined people the possibility to be the contract by mail to send. Thus, it is possible to replace with his family about the intentions of changing times in peace and quiet and advantages or disadvantages on to call. The benefits, what is the rule, should outweigh then you can sign the contract and submit.
The new electricity provider for the Wechsler.Zwischen takes over the termination of the old electricity provider change and termination generally directly consumers do have no to worry, that they are probably even without electricity there because the supply of power and energy is legally protected. But not only private households should perform a power comparison, also for companies, one can Be very useful to compare.Because only, who can keep the prices as stable as possible for its products, has also the ability of the market to stay. Therefore, also businessmen should leave nothing unturned. Of course you should also worry about, that it saves power in the household. This can be done with energy-efficient appliances and energy-saving bulbs. In addition you should turn off directly devices in stand by mode after use. Some electricity providers offer even a night rate. Particularly the strong consumption devices in the household, such as the washing machine or the dryer should use then in the evening hours to save power.
Personal Life Information
They say that the bitter truth is better than True Lies. Overhear the conversation, listen to phone conversations, despite the reprehensibility classes have always been and remains the occupation is very informative. A tactical side question? Wars are won at the expense of intelligence. It is quite understandable why the spy services around the world are spending huge budgets to create the newest devices wiretapping. Honors Radio, especially microelectronics have enabled the best way to solve this problem. Microscopic microphones are complemented by a mini amplifiers, transmitters or recorders, distributed file listening devices phone conversations.
But in any case, a -one thing, but to place it correctly, quickly and quietly – more. The task is not as straightforward as it may seem, and without practice and skill – nowhere. Typically, the information extracted using the devices to eavesdrop, transferred to a checkpoint on the radio. Peter Asaro will not settle for partial explanations. The signal transmitter that carries information from a hidden microphone installed, should be so powerful that it would cover transmission distance and time is so weak that it would eliminate the possibility of identifying its detectors bugs and hidden cameras.
All-round Supplies
Deer travel offers research and telescope competent travel companion who would like to discover new worlds in his journey, away from tourist cliches, to immerse in culture, history and everyday life of the country or the city, should study or his summer vacation book soon his, advises the traditional tour operators deer travel. Preferred cities, tourist destinations and bestselling travel are usually strong demand and the quotas awarded quickly. Especially in spring and autumn. If you would like to book a trip, applies: early book, the best until the of March of end, to get what is desired. : 2010 deer travel offers city tours and exotic depart in this season over 50 new or again click trips to choose from. Classics such as the short trip to Paris, and the wandering of the Montmartre district, as well as the final ride of lights, just as offered as adventurous explorers tours in foreign countries, for example, in the jungle to Colombia, the secret of the coffee on the track to come. Over 160 destinations mainly in Europe but also worldwide can be found in the range of the traditional family-owned company. Culture holidays a special focus of deer travel are the so-called culture holiday in addition to the diversity of the studies – cities -, hiking, River – and telescope.
This offer turns trip days with personal leisure. The entire holiday is an enjoyable meaningful and also relaxing experience. Credit: Rusty Holzer-2011. If you would like to explore in the Abruzzo mountain town of idyllic and unspoilt natural park, in Spain on the Costa de la Luz of the Royal Andalusian riding school visits or in Greece on the Peloponnese discovered the Mani peninsula seems almost inexhaustible range of culture and holiday and has become more and more in the 62 company increases. Competent tour guides competent tour guides are the be-all and end-all of successful cultural holidays and trips. Those who love travel to cultural treasures and architectural masterpieces, appreciate it, if accompanied by a competent Guide. She must be not only expert in the field, but to the travelers to pass on their knowledge well and understandable and the correct dose.
Deer travel places special emphasis on the suitability as a guide in selecting the cultural Ambassador of the country and carefully selects the appropriate people and characters. Customers can even, on the website of deer before their trip your personal travel agent to learn more about travel. TuV certified assessment deer travel offers not only in terms of supply and guide that certain something. The company has its customers with evaluation sheets for many decades on quality, a good price-performance ratio, as well as the satisfaction. Every traveller has the opportunity to look at the valuation of individual travels on the Internet. We are pleased to be published the traveler reviews of its customers on the Internet the first study trip organiser in Germany and the TuV! “, say the Managing Director Mathias and Andreas Hirsch. With the score obtained in the TuV certified process, customers without long reading or searching have a picture of how the journey has cut off in recent years. Deer travel is a travel company that was founded in 1948 as a family business and offers groups such as individual trips. Of the offer range River up to music – and long-haul travel studies – cities -, hiking -. Seat of the company is in Karlsruhe.
Termination Of Employment
Lawyer for employment law Alexander Bredereck and lawyer Dr. Credit: Leanne Marchevsky-2011. Attila Fodor, Berlin lawyer for employment law Alexander Bredereck, Berlin to the termination of employment due to retirement, death, incapacity for work of the employee and to the question of what happens if the employer-similar happens to. Employment relationships end up in very different ways. Not always, it is the notice of the employer or of the employee. Below I present beyond the termination situations of layoffs and suspension contracts. Hear other arguments on the topic with Rusty Holzer. 1. the workers reached the retirement age contrary to a widespread view ends the employment relationship upon reaching the 65 or 67 years of life and the possibility of obtaining pension not automatically associated but only if this is specifically regulated in an applicable collective agreement, an operating agreement or the employment contract. Of course, many workers have no interest in continuing to work.
That may be but even different. 2. the employee is permanently or temporary limited practice. Here the running to 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis. The employment relationship ends unless this is specifically regulated in the cases mentioned above. Caution in formulating appropriate clauses in the contract of employment. When working here do not carefully, the clause is invalid. Formulation help: termination (1) (2) without the need for a termination, ends the employment relationship at the latest at the end of the month in which the / the employee has reached the age of statutory pension insurance ( 35 SGB VI).
(3) the employment relationship ends up also at the end of the month, in which a decision of a pension insurance institution (retirement notice) delivered to, stating that the employee is fully or partly on time incapacitated for work. The employee has the employer upon delivery of the retirement decision to inform without delay. The pension begins only after the delivery of the retirement decision, expires at the end of the employment relationship of the retirement preceding day.