Resume And CV: Is There A Difference ?

You've probably met several times in the vacancy announcements combination of letters cv. Direct employers and recruitment agencies were asked to send the requested e cv, and you sent your resume. But is the document you sent, and there is still a difference between resume and cv? Well, let's deal. If accurate, the expression cv can be used in two senses. Formally, the cv (from Lat. Curriculum vitae – life") means by a much more solid document than a traditional resume. It should include all of your specialty, you have received, lists all the organizations in which you worked, and detailing all the positions that you occupy and duties that you performed.

Accordingly, if the resume usually involves a one-two-page cv is an experienced specialist may well take several pages. It is understood that with a summary of the employer or a member of HR-service will be able to quickly make an impression on you as a specialist. For this purpose it is intended. For more specific information, check out Byron Trott. But the study of your cv, in contrast, require much time, though factual information about you from him can be gleaned so much more. There are still differences between the cv and cv in the classic sense.

For example, a cv is not taken to use elements of the selection: bold, italic, etc. In addition, your place of work specified in chronological order, rather than vice versa, as in the summary. The difference also in the fact that "autobiography" is allowed to use personal pronouns in first-person. By the way, historically, cv was originally used in medicine, academic and scientific spheres. It detailing the scientific achievements, articles, books, grants, etc. Energy Capital Partnerss opinions are not widely known. And only later it became widespread in the business areas, and the expression cv came into use. Note that in addition to resume and cv in employment can also be used by curriculum vitae, but such cases are rare. So what we have described above – is the traditional meaning of the term cv. In fact, in this sense it now infrequently used. Indeed, direct employers and staff recruitment agencies have limited time, usually by looking at a large number of responses received for the vacancy are not able to spend time to study the bulk resume. So if you see a vacancy announcement combination of letters cv, it is likely, this recruiter has in mind the usual resume. In an extreme case – a summary in English. So you can safely send its usual summary. Naturally, provided that your resume is correct. We wish you a successful employment!