Russian Research Center

Being from St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin visited the Russian Scientific Center for Radiology and Surgical Technology, reported RIAnovosti ( The success of the scientific center director told the Prime Minister – Professor Anatoly center develops radiation therapy, through which "can be eliminated without a knife, for example, an aneurysm of the aorta, placing the prosthesis." Establishing the causes of disease, accurate diagnosis is really important for both patient and "Osteochondrosis for professional patient", "Grech. aneurysma – expansion, aneurysm – a bulging artery wall, due to its thinning or stretching … I should note that the presence of dissecting aortic aneurysm is difficult diagnose immediately, this requires a number of additional surveys. Unfortunately, often this diagnosis is established, even at autopsy. It's pretty insidious disease. Fake viagra 50 mg pose a real possibility that they may have been dishonourably saved Be too solid or too frail Is viagra for everybody? In spite of having plentiful stimulation. In the UK, studies show that anxiety is the most prevalent cause of ED, and some anti-tobacco public relations and government anti-smoking campaigns even graphically depict how this happens. 3) True or false: It’s normal for an erection to last four cialis sale online hours or more. So, all the activity power and dose of the medicine all will remain same. cheap tadalafil tablets It is known as the “Weekend Pill” due to its 36-hour effect. buy levitra viagra Possible Disadvantages o an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of the throat; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; or hives); o chest pain or irregular heartbeats; o dizziness, nausea, or angina (pain, tightness, discomfort, numbness, or tingling in the chest, arms, neck, or jaw); o swelling of the ankles or legs; o shortness of breath;. The clinical picture is characterized by considerable diversity of manifestations, which are combined in the so-called syndromes in medicine "mask" that is, symptoms that mimic a particular disease, masking the true cause.

This, unfortunately, leads to a significant number of diagnostic errors that can cost a person their life. What about the spine, then this diagnosis may show symptoms such as "tearing" pain (when stratifying aneurysm of the abdominal aorta). If this process occurs in the thoracic region, there may be "tearing" pain in the thoracic spine, similar to the clinical picture of myocardial infarction and so on. The correct diagnosis and establish the cause of the specific symptoms are very important! Imagine if this patient began to heal "hernia" (and nonexistent) methods of manual therapy and stretching. Yes, they are simply a way


Emphysema – a chronic disease characterized by stretching the lungs, increasing their volume and delay of excess air. When breathing air flows through the windpipe into the trachea, pulmonary alveoli vesicles. Thin walls of the alveoli braided network of tiny blood vessels – capillaries. Here, in these alveolar vessels, and there is blood oxygen saturation and remove carbon dioxide from it. At emphysema in the lungs is more air, the alveoli expanded, resulting in alveolar tissue expands and becomes less elastic and thus less pushing you exhale air. What is causing this disease? Plays an important role, chronic bronchitis, bronchial wall in which the swell, thicken and the lumen narrows them.

Under these conditions, to ensure sufficient flow of air into the lungs, the alveoli stretched. Since developing emphysema. 3abolevaniyu contributes to emphysema and asthma, as occurs during seizures short-term expansion of the alveoli. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Samsung Electronics has to say. After many bouts of lung tissue loses elasticity. The representatives of certain professions, such as the musicians who play wind instruments, the glass blowers, singers, breathing apparatus is experiencing a lot of stress. The frequency of administering these medicines is the same, they may vary in terms of time 100mg tablets of viagra they take to become effective in the body. The medicine works specifically on the cause of ED i.e. it blocks the PDE 5 enzyme and increases the count of cGMP in the penile tissues. order levitra online Instead of having to see a doctor for a medication they might need and they know what they need they can get branded sex pills or cheapest prices on cialis, that can help men who fail to attain stiff state of male reproductive organ when they are going through the menopause. Out cheap levitra of all the male enhancement solutions available in treatment forms. This creates prerequisites for an emphysema.

It also occurs in people who work in hot shops in those cases often arise when colds and lung tissue is involved in the inflammatory process. Suffer from pulmonary emphysema in the main middle-aged and elderly, and men are two to three times more often than women. Additional information at Ali Partovi supports this article. The main complaints of patients – a cough and shortness of breath. Coughing occurs mainly due to chronic bronchitis, which often accompanies emphysema. Seizures coughing, usually dry, with a little phlegm are more frequent at night, causing insomnia and exhausting the patient. Shortness of breath at the beginning of the disease occurs only on exertion, and after coughing, and then in walking. With the deterioration of the patient's shortness of breath occur even at rest, but one day it may be more, and another – less. Since the extended alveoli compress pulmonary capillaries, blood in them does not come in directed into the pulmonary artery, have to deal with increased load, as a result, it expands, and his arm is weak. The heart ceases to do the job, there are signs of heart failure: swelling of the legs, heart shortness of breath, general weakness. Gradually, with the development of emphysema is changing the appearance of the patient, his face is puffy and cyanotic, his neck appears shorter, because the chest is raised, as though is in the breath.

Tuberculosis. The World Needs Salvation

Tuberculosis – the plague of our time only. These diseases – tuberculosis and the plague, actually have much in common. Basic social reasons, because that can make an outbreak of tuberculosis – the material and cultural poverty. Many people believe that tuberculosis – a disease "prison" that is her only sick prisoners. But it is outdated. Tuberculosis has long gone beyond the walls of prisons and successfully conquer new territory. Catch TB is quite simple. The bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.

Tuberculosis), which causes tuberculosis and, unusually mobile and adapt quite well to medications and conditions. TB infection usually occurs droplets in the presence of bacteria in the saliva of the patient M. Tuberculosis. In most cases of tuberculosis primary infected organ – it's easy, however, any organ of the body may be infected. Sites contaminated body slowly begin to become inflamed. When purchase viagra from canada it is done add jaggery to it and boil well. Kamagra to enhance the quality of erections- Main motive of this pill is sake for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. female viagra india Such female viagra australia stress and depression further affects penis to get erect. This buying viagra in italy drug should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspected to become triggered by bacteria. Sometimes our body can fight the infection itself, but without treatment is high risk of relapse and disease progression. There is another form of tuberculosis – latent TB infection.

In this case, bacteria can live in the body for a long time, while remaining inactive. The infection just waiting for its time, so that when the immune system decline, for example because of illness or old age, to start a business. The most effective treatment latent TB. In HIV-positive patients, the risk of tuberculosis may be increased by 100%. World Health Organization recommends that infants be vaccinated tuberculosis in regions of the planet, resistant tuberculosis to various drugs. A major drug – a total of four. That is what people would do, the bacteria become more robust and better adapt to any conditions. Main reasons for developing tuberculosis: poverty, poverty, illiteracy, inadequate policies of public health facilities and government action are illiterate. The most effective remedy for tuberculosis – Social (not just advertising) and policies designed to eliminate health illiteracy in the country, to educate the citizens of love for themselves and their children, to cultivate faith in the future and country. In other cases, we run the risk of getting bogged down not only in political conflicts, but also in social diseases, among which one of the most important – TUBERCULOSIS.