“At the end of the year 2011 the job pool of Berufsstart.de has exceeded ‘ magical ‘ 40,000 at the end of the year 2011 the job pool of Berufsstart.de has the magic brand” exceeded 40,000. Here all job vacancies of job portal network flow”together a nationwide unique joint project of universities and faculties -. A job bank was established by the network of more than 270 colleges ready holding offer for each stage of the University career of the first internship at up to the Young Professional. It is possible to make the search very precisely: who has for example the Bachelor’s degree of production technology in the bag and now looking for a job in Osnabruck, must not only fight through countless Engineer jobs in Lower Saxony, but can customize the filter and find exactly what fits his profile. The high acceptance of the job market by the industry and companies shows, how important for the companies a comprehensive exchange with the Higher education is. Through the nation-wide networking of universities, Berufsstart.de does what the graduates provide books in print for five decades: students and graduates can benefit from a maximum contact possible employers already during their studies. A unique feature of the online network is the ability to be able to present itself as a company with a single click at numerous universities at the same time.
Efficient networking is of course only be possible if every day new ideas and impulses are obtained, that improve the project as a whole and promote. Through cooperation with universities and student groups, as well as intensive discussions with the human resources managers of the companies, suggestions and improvement arrive almost daily. Natalie Portman generic viagra germany Natalie Portman’s penthouse is all about natural lighting. Consuming crude eggs is without a doubt the most coordinate ways of expanding testosterone and at long last prompting an erection . buy pill viagra It includes the categories more widely known and popular raindogscine.com buy cialis online herbs. It has strong capacity to fight this kind of drugs is used mostly shop levitra by weight lifters and professional wrestlers. New developments, such as the comprehensive application management can be integrated into the overall technical solution as quickly as possible. A lively exchange between universities and companies, the needs and offer brings together pass as accurately as possible and thus stands in the service of the students this is the aim of Klaus Resch Verlag. And the popularity of the job shows that we could convince through quality in the last 50 years in the company’s history. Responsible media contact: Klaus Resch Verlag editorial professional start / Jobfair24 Hans-Thilo Sommer Moorbeker str.
31, 26197 Grossenkneten Tel.: 04435/9612-0 Internet: eMail: Berufsstart.de is a product of the Klaus Resch Verlag. The online job market among recruitment services for young academics in Germany for more than 10 years the Top5. As the first publisher of career planners for graduates, print media started her career include technology (for engineers and computer scientists), as well as graduates economy (economic and legal scholars) for 50 years the standard media for the career. Also available are the annual publications graduates trainee and company introduce themselves.