Audiencia Nacional

The bosses of companies of technologies of information and communication Ametic considers this assessment an anachronistic and abusive figure. They call for its elimination and the application of European rules retroactively. Since June 2008 more than 100 million euros are collected with the barrel per year. The bosses of companies of technologies of information and communication Ametic has urged the Spanish Government to remove the barrel, which considers a figure anachronistic and abusive, and retroactively applying European legislation. Learn more about this with HTC. The President of Ametic, Jesus Banegas, warned in a press conference that there are several laws, both at European and national level, that guarantee the requirement of Spanish industry and said that, with the application of the levy, the Spanish Executive fails to comply with its obligation. We want that the barrel is removed immediately and that the European ruling applies from the moment in which was issued today, said Banegas, who not He entered to assess whether this would involve compensation for the companies in the sector. In October 2010, the Court of Justice of the European Union determined that the indiscriminate application of the barrel is abusive and contrary to the European directive.

Also, last March the Audiencia Nacional annulled current rates of the Canyon. For this reason, Banegas, noted, while from the employers we are keepers of the law, even when we don’t like, many companies, especially since the sentencing (of the Audiencia Nacional), not directly deliver these quantities that made deposits in courts and notaries waiting to know how will be the model to be applied with respect to the barrel. Get more background information with materials from Oculus Quest 2. Since the cocaine addicts are prone to sharing needles for injecting themselves buying viagra in india with the drug, they can also harm other parts of the body. Most often, this kind of issues come with the stronger sex notice inside ten to fifteen years after generic for viagra they start regular sex life. There is no better way to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men, which cialis properien is inability to achieve or maintain erection regularly for several occasions, then surely he is suffering from erectile dysfunction or male impotence. Taking Precautions While getting a prostate massage is usually beneficial, additionally it is important to identify a chiropractor who is going to meet buy viagra in usa a individual’s distinct desires. According to Ametic, since the regulatory order of the digital canon was approved in June 2008 is comes raising more than 100 million euros each year indiscriminately by all end users. The President of Ametic recalled that this formula, in addition to ridiculous, affects not only to the companies in the sector but also to the overall economy of the country. Thus, according to Spanish industry since the canon a thousand jobs have been lost and he has prevented the creation of many others. In addition, each euro collected in the form of digital canon means the loss to the economic system, at least 51.2 cents. Focus on the piracy on the other hand, Banegas said that canon has nothing to do with piracy or copyright.

Moreover, said the Executive, would have to forget the Canyon and confront piracy. If they faced piracy, authors would achieve revenues exceeding that achieved with the barrel, it had settled. According to the employer, the consumer is paying a surcharge with the barrel which, in some cases, exceeds 20% of the sale price to the public (PVP) of a device. For this reason, Banegas advised the Spanish Government that positions you closer to their European counterparts, such as United Kingdom and Norway, where it is considered that it is not appropriate to establish this system of compensation for private copying, or as Holland, which has recently decided to its abolition. Source of the news: information technology companies call for the Elimination of the canon digital

New Technologies

The Business Software Alliance has published a study on the most competitive countries of the world in technologies of information and communication (technology ICT). Spain is situated at number 24, a step higher than in 2009. United States remains in first place at the global level. A total of six countries of the European Union (EU) are among the most competitive ten in the world in the sphere of technologies of information and communication technology (ICT), according to a study released by the Business Software Alliance (BSA), the main Association of the sector worldwide. United States remains in first place overall, followed by Finland, Singapore, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland, Australia, the Netherlands and Israel.

Spain is situated in the place number 24 and ascends a step with regard to the latest study, conducted in 2009. The 2011 edition of the index of competitiveness in the information technology industry is the fourth since it started in 2007 Catalogs to 66 countries around the world according to a series of indicators that span critical areas for innovation in the field of ICT: business climate, infrastructure, human capital, research and development (r & d), the legal means and public support to this industry. According to this year’s report, countries which are traditionally stronger in the area of ICT maintain their leadership positions because of the solid foundations that have been created through years of investment in innovation, so they continue reaping its benefits. A great example of a magic pill for ED is see this cialis india. Men in the world like ProSolution buy cialis without prescription Plus like a help as it would make persistence, passion, and sexual health better. Hypothyroid Treatment One of the more conventional treatment plans that doctors propose is replacing the hormone viagra prescription thyroxine with an alternative thyroid hormone known as levothyroxine. Another approach, that is not even on the table, would be, rather than play to one or the other constituency, to build an energy policy based on the real geological, geopolitical, environmental, and social factors that condition energy availability and energy use. viagra online On the other hand, the study shows there are increasingly more countries, especially developing economies, who are committed to innovation and strive to meet the standards of the leading countries. It is clear that investment in technology innovation bases pays huge dividends in the long term, stressed in a statement the President of BSA, Robert Holleyman.

In his view, in addition, No country has a monopoly on information technology. We see that economies that grow fast in the developing world invest much in areas such as research and development and human capital, indicated, and he stated that that circumstance makes that there are more centers of power of the information technologies in the world. Since the last report in 2009, the country which has more advanced has been Malaysia, which has promoted eleven positions, followed by India, which has risen 10. Other countries such as Singapore, Mexico, Austria, Germany, or Poland showed progress at various levels by what refers to support for ICT. In a moment in which the global economy begins to recover, it is more important than ever that Governments adopt a vision long term of the information technology industry, said Holleyman.